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"LM-Cam"でビデオ会議ツールの映像をより高画質に!ZOOM、Teams、Google Meetなどの設定方法

中継など生配信で利用する際など、Zoom、Team、Google Meetなどの主なビデオ会議ツールの映像画質を向上させたいという要望が多くあります。 その際、カメラアプリ"LM-Cam"を使用し、ご利用のPCの設定を変更することでより映像を高画質にご利用することができます。 【用意するもの】 LM-Cam カメラアプリ NDIツール
→ 事前にご利用のOSにあった「NDIツール」をインストールください。 Zoom、Teams、Google Meetなどのビデオ会議ツール WindowsとMacで設定方法が異なるので、ご自身の利用しているOSにあった方法をご確認ください。 Windows設定方法 Mac設定方法 Windowsの設定方法 NDI5 Toolsの設定 a. NDI5 Tools をインストールし、Windows のスタートメニューを開き、「NDI 5 Tools」の中から「Webcam Input」 を選択します。 b.「Webcam Input」アプリを起動すると、右下の常駐システムに通知画面に表示されます。 c.アプリ「 LM-Cam 」を起動し伝送(赤いボタン)を開始します。 システムトレイ(デスクトップ右下)にある「Webcam Input」のアイコンを選択し右クリック。 1番目:ネットワーク上で現在アクティブなすべての"NDIデバイス"が表示されます。 重要:LM-Camを伝送していると表示されます。表示されない場合LM-Camを搭載したiPhoneとあなたのコンピューターが同じネットワーク上にあることを確認してください。 2番目:バーチャルウェブカムとして使用するNDIソースのオーディオとビデオのオプションがあります。  ※LM-Camを伝送していないと表示こちらが1番目に表示されます。 3番目:ヘルプやその他のオプション。 注:オーディオ(レベル、チャンネル)やビデオ(解像度)のオプションを調整する必要はありません。ただし、必要に応じて調整することは可能です。 1番目のiPhone、"LM-Cam"を設定してください。 ※必ずしも必要ではありませんが、HX2 HEVCに切り替えると、回線帯域を圧縮することができ快適にネットワークを利用することができます。(HX2ではビットレートの調整も可能)。 2.ビデオ会議ソフトの[ビデオ]設定をします。 各ビデオ会議ソフトのカメラ設定から、[NewTek NDI Video]を選択すると、LM-CamからのストリームがPreviewウィンドウに表示されます。 各ビデオ会議ソフトのカメラ設定方法はこちら↓ 1.ZOOM 設定→ビデオ→カメラ 2.Teams 設定→デバイス→カメラ 2.Google Meet 設定→動画→カメラ 以下各ビデオ会議ソフトのカメラ設定方法となります。こちらで紹介してもの以外でも、各ビデオ会議ソフトでは"カメラ"設定が可能なので、同じような方法で変更が可能となります。 Macの設定方法 NDI5 Toolsの設定 a. NDI5 Tools がインストール完了したら、デスクトップ上でCommand(コマンド)+Space(スペース)を押し、Spotlightを開いたら「NDI Virtual Input」と入力。NDI Virtual Inputを起動します。 b. アプリ「 LM-Cam 」を起動し伝送(赤いボタン)を開始します。 そして「NDI Virtual Input」のメニューバーにある「NDI」をClickすると、現在アクティブ状態にあるNDIが表示されますので、LM-Camを伝送している端末を選択します。 2.ビデオ会議ソフトの[ビデオ]設定をします。 各ビデオ会議ソフトのカメラ設定から、[NDI Video]を選択すると、LM-CamからのストリームがPreviewウィンドウに表示されます。 各ビデオ会議ソフトのカメラ設定方法はこちら↓ 1.ZOOM 設定→ビデオ→カメラ ※パソコンによっては「NewTek NDI Video」ではなく「NDI Video」と表示されます。 2.Teams 設定→デバイス→カメラ ※パソコンによっては「NewTek NDI Video」ではなく「NDI Video」と表示されます。 2.Google Meet 設定→動画→カメラ ※パソコンによっては「NewTek NDI Video」ではなく「NDI Video」と表示されます。


4K はZOOMで利用するとより効果的です。

先日LM-Camをアップデートし、解像度を4Kで出力できるようにいたしました。 ご利用にあたり複数台で運用する際、端末全ての解像度を4Kで送出すると、映像同士の遅延が起きやすくなり安定しないため、 複数台で運用する場合は"内1台を4K運用"することをおすすめいたします。 LM-Camを利用してくださっている「ヒコさま」の検証映像が非常にわかりやすかったので、ご紹介させていただきます。


How to distribute using LM-Cam with [WireCast].

We will show you how to use WireCast, a broadcast software developed by Telestream. WireCast is available for Windows and Mac, and although it is a paid software, the UI is clear and easy to read, making it a good broadcast for beginners. Unlike OBS, it does not require any plug-ins, so you can start using it right away. The setup for distribution using WireCast is as follows. 1.Download WireCast 2.Download LM-Cam 3.WireCast distribution setting 1.Download and install WireCast Download WireCast with "Start your free trial" to check the operating environment. When you download WireCast, the watermark and sound will be added. 2.Download LM-Cam Only iPhone is supported. 3.WireCast delivery setting 1. Start the camera application "LM-Cam" and tap the red button to start sending. WireCast and LM-Cam need to be in the same network when sending out the video. 2. Start WireCast, and click + next to "Clear Layer" to enter NDI. 3. Select the target smartphone and input the video. (The LM-Cam video will be displayed in the "NDI Source") In the case of LM-Cam, by setting [Video Encoding] to "HEVC", it is possible to send the same quality of video with up to about 1/10 of the transmission volume compared to Full NDI (100M), so it can be used comfortably even in environments with low network bandwidth. LM-Cam: Menu → NDI → Video Encoding If the video is choppy, it is recommended to use "HEVC" which has a lower transmission volume. HEVC video is not displayed by Windows broadcast software: If HEVC video is not displayed correctly by Windows broadcast software, install " HEVC Video Extensions " to use it. This is not necessary for Mac. (The LM-Cam video will be displayed in the "NDI source".) The above procedure will allow you to connect multiple cameras at the same time. Once you have tested the system and it sends out video without any problems, you can purchase the paid version "By starting at $599" and enjoy streaming.


How to use LM-Cam in Zoom or Teams

If you are looking to improve the quality of your video in Zoom, Team, Google Meet, or any other major video conferencing software, look no further than LM-Cam. What you’ll need: - LM-Cam (with HX paid option, but not required) - NDI Tools from - Zoom, Teams, Google Chat, Slack, etc. Windows Mac Windows Before beginning, you may want to update all the software you will be using for this project. Next, open the Windows Start menu and find the NDI 5 Tools folder. Inside, you should see an app called Webcam Input. Start the Webcam Input app and you should see the following notification flash on your screen. Expand the System Tray and look for the Webcam Input icon. When you find it, right-click to open the menu. The menu is separated into three sections. The top section should list every NDI device currently active on your network. The second section includes Audio and Video options for the NDI source that you will be using as a virtual webcam. The third section contains help and other options. Note: you should not have make any adjustments to the Audio (levels, channels) or Video (resolutions) options. However, know that you can if you need to. At this point, you will want to open LM-Cam on your iPhone. While not necessary, switching over to HX2 HEVC will likely provide the best performance (HX2 will also allow you to adjust the bitrate). Take note of the name of the camera and then begin streaming. Going back to your computer, right-click on the Webcam Input icon in your System Tray. You should now see your iPhone in the list of available devices on your network. Clicking on your iPhone should then show the name of the LM-Cam camera. IMPORTANT: make sure the iPhone with LM-Cam and your computer are located on the same network, otherwise this will not work. With the LM-Cam selected, open your video conferencing software and look for the Video Settings. For camera, select NewTek NDI Video. Below are a few samples. Zoom Microsoft Teams Google Meet Once NewTek NDI Video is selected, the stream from your LM-Cam should appear in the Preview window. If it does, you are all set and ready to go with LM-Cam providing better image quality for your next virtual meeting! Mac After installing NDI 5 Tools, open Spotlight by pressing Command + Space and search for NDI Virtual Input. Click and start NDI Virtual Input. Start the NDI stream on your iPhone by clicking the red button. Next, on your Mac, click NDI and then select the source you want to use as your webcam. Open your video conferencing software and select NDI Video (or sometimes NewTek NDI Video) as your camera. Below are some examples. Zoom Teams Does not seem to work at this point in time.


How to use LM-Cam to deliver [vMix].

We will show you how to use vMix, a broadcast software developed by StudioCoast in Australia. vMix is a paid software (free for 60 days) that supports Windows only. vMix is a very stable broadcast software for intermediate users with superior features such as slow playback. Unlike OBS, it does not require any plug-ins, so you can start using it right away. The setup using vMix is as follows. 1.Download vMix 2.Download LM-Cam 3. vMix distribution settings 1. Download and install vMix Download "Download vMix Software". vMix is free to use for 60 days, after that you have to pay to use all the features. (As of July 9, 2021) (As of July 9, 2021) *Please note that "Download vMix Desktop Capture" at the bottom of the above download page cannot be used for distribution. 2.LM-Cam Download Only iPhone is supported. 3. vMix Delivery Settings 1. Start the camera app "LM-Cam" and tap the "red button" to start sending. 2. Start vMix and click "Add Input" in the bottom left menu. 3. Select "NDI/Desktop Capture" in the Input Select, and the input video will be displayed. In the case of LM-Cam, by setting [Video Encoding] to "HEVC", it is possible to send the same quality of video with up to about 1/10 of the transmission volume compared to Full NDI (100M), so it can be used comfortably even in environments with low network bandwidth. LM-Cam: Menu → NDI → Video Encoding If the video is choppy, it is recommended to use "HEVC" which has a lower transmission volume. HEVC video is not displayed by Windows broadcast software: If HEVC video is not displayed correctly by Windows broadcast software, install " HEVC Video Extensions " to use it. This is not necessary for Mac. 4. In the same way, you can input video from multiple camera applications.


How to use LM-Cam to deliver with [OBS].

You can use OBS (Open Broadcaster Software), a relatively popular distribution tool for game distribution and live distribution, to distribute LM-Cam. OBS is free to use and is compatible with both Windows and Mac, making it an easy tool for beginners to use. Here is a brief explanation of the setup procedure using OBS. 1.Download OBS 2.Install NDI plugin 3.Download LM-Cam 4.Setting up OBS distribution 1.Download OBS Download the latest version from the OBS website. Supported OS: Windows, Mac 2.Install NDI plugin LM-Cam uses NDI to deliver the video, so you need to add NDI plugin to OBS. (NDI is a technology that can send out video with "low latency and high quality using IP. (NDI is a technology that can transmit video with "low latency and high quality using IP. In case of Windows, download "obs-ndi-XXX-Windows-Installer.exe". 3.Download LM-Cam Download the camera application "LM-Cam". Only iPhone is supported. 4.Setting up OBS distribution 1.Start the camera application "LM-Cam" and start sending. 2.Start OBS, select "Scene", add "Source", and select "NDI Source". 3.Select the LM-Cam video from "Source name" in the NDI Source property. If the signal is received successfully, the image will be displayed. Set Latency mode to "Low" and press OK to display the image. Please note that the LM-Cam image will not be displayed in the "Source name" unless you are in the same network environment. In the case of LM-Cam, by setting [Video Encoding] to "HEVC", it is possible to send the same quality of video with up to about 1/10 of the transmission volume compared to Full NDI (100M), so it can be used comfortably even in environments with low network bandwidth. LM-Cam: Menu → NDI → Video Encoding If the video is choppy, it is recommended to use "HEVC" which has a lower transmission volume. HEVC video is not displayed by Windows broadcast software: If HEVC video is not displayed correctly by Windows broadcast software, install " HEVC Video Extensions " to use it. This is not necessary for Mac. Please note that the LM-Cam video will not be displayed in the "Source name" unless you are in the same network environment. 4.When the image is received from LM-Cam successfully, the image will be displayed. Insert the image. 5.It is possible to connect multiple cameras in the same way.


How to use LM-Cam’s SRT and Remote Control

With the newly added Remote Control, it is now possible to control LM-Cam from a different location. Remote Control isn’t hard to set up. Give it a try the next time you have to set up LM-Cam somewhere far from where you are overseeing all your sources. Demo Video for Remote Control OBS Setting We recommend using SRT if you plan to use Remote Control. In our example, we are using OBS to receive the SRT stream. You can down OBS from the link below: *Please select the appropriate OBS for your operating system. To use SRT in OBS, create a new Media Source from within a Scene. Uncheck “Local File”. Fill in the Input text box with your computer’s IP address and a port that you plan to use. The IP address you use for Input will change based on the network you are using. Within the same local network: you will need to use your local IP address and any available port. If you are running a firewall on your computer, you may have to manually open the port. You can find out how to find your local IP address using Google . Outside of the local network: you will need to use your network’s global IP address and any available port. If your network is behind a firewall, you will most likely have to make adjustments to ensure the port is open and properly forwarded to the computer you are using. See down below for help on how to do this. OBS Media Source Input format: srt://<IP address>:<port>?mode=listener For example: IP: XXX.YYY.ZZZ.50 Port: 5000 srt://XXX.YYY.ZZZ.50:5000?mode=listener Global IP and Opening Ports Global IP: you can get your global IP address here (NordVPN - What is my IP address?). The IP address listed at the link is the IP address you will use for the Media Source Input. Opening Ports: this can be tricky and lead to security issues if done incorrectly. There is also no standard way of opening a port, since every router/firewall is different. Please consult your router/firewall manual for instructions on how to open a port. You can also try the search term “port forwarding” at Google or any other search platform. LM-Cam Settings Install LM-Cam on your iPhone. Once installed, open the menu and select SRT Caller from the Video encoding options. For SRT Address, use the IP address and port you used above. LM-Cam SRT Address format: srt://<IP address from above>:<port from above> For example: IP: XXX.YYY.ZZZ.50 Port: 5000 srt://XXX.YYY.ZZZ.50:5000 Start the SRT Stream OBS and LM-Cam are now ready. If you start the stream from LM-Cam, you should be able to see it in OBS. If LM-Cam has difficulty connecting or the stream is blank in OBS, double-check the IP address and port. You can also try different ports. Summary SRT has a larger latency than NDI, but can be a better option for remote productions (some of the latency is due to the buffer). SRT can also provide decent image quality and stability at 2Mbps (especially when using HEVC). This can be vital if you are using a wireless cellular connection and bandwidth is somewhat limited.


How to use chroma key with LM-Cam

LM-Cam recently added digital green- and blue-backgrounds for use with chroma keys. It should be easy to remove the backgrounds using most broadcast software. First, go into LM-Cam settings and tap on Backgrounds in the Video section to view the available Background filter options. Select either Green or Blue. OBS Settings 1. Add LM-Cam as a Video Source. 2. Right-click on the LM-Cam source and select Filter. 3. Click the + under Effects Filter and select Chroma Key. 4. Choose either Green or Blue for the Key Color Type. NOTE: If you are using Blue, adjust the Similarity to around 200 for best results. vMix Settings 1. Add LM-Cam as a Video Source. 2. Click on the Gear in the Video Source Window. 3. Select Colour Key in the left menu. 4. Check the box next to Colour Key, then use the Eye Dropper tool to manually select the background. Wirecast Settings 1. Add LM-Cam as a Video Source. 2. Select the Chroma Key tab and check the box next to Use Chroma Key. 3. If necessary, manually pick a key color with the Eye Dropper tool.


LM-Cam Basic User Guide

11/29/2024 Update Before Getting Started - Wi-Fi recommended. - Turn off Bluetooth for best results. - We recommend that you use the latest version of iOS. FAQ Color Temperature / Tint Color Temperature and Tint settings can be manually adjusted using the sliders. You can also choose one of the presets (light bulb, sun, cloud, fluorescent) or auto white balance (AWB). ISO / FOCUS Tap the screen once for custom mode. Tap and move the sliders for FOCUS and/or ISO to make adjustments. Tap on FOCUS and/or ISO to return to auto mode. Aperture Move the slider up and down to adjust the aperature. Screen Lock Lock all the elements on the screen by tapping the lock. This will prevent accidental changes to settings in the Camera Menu. Zoom How to set the digital zoom Press and hold the magnification button to use the "Digital Zoom" function. Releasing the button will set the zoom and the Digital Zoom wheel will disappear. Mic On/Off Tap the mic to turn the microphone on and off. Front / Read Camera Switch between the front and rear cameras. Image By uploading a lid picture to LM-Cam, it is possible to set up a lid picture without using broadcast software. Two types of transitions can be used: cut and fade. The maximum number of cover images that can be uploaded is 5, and the supported images are PNG and JPG. Recommended size: 1080 Internal Menu Preset Save video settings (ISO, FOCUS, Color Temperature, Tint, Aperture) for later use. Display Grid: When turned on, grid lines can be displayed. Status: Settings can be displayed on the display. White Balance: Shows the white balance on the display. Exposure: Aperture can be shown on the display. Current Time: Clock can be shown on the display. External Outputs The Clean Video Output can output video, and the Audio Output can output audio. Backgrounds You can select Green background or Blue background for chroma keying. You can choose between High and Low quality settings. Camera name Change the NDI camera name (this is the name that will be used to identify the camera in the NDI environment). Resolution Select a resolution. - If you are using 4K, we recommend using HEVC. Video encoding Select from Full NDI, HX2 HEVC, or HX2 H.264. Note: NX2 is about 1/10 the size of Full NDI but at roughly the same quality. - HX2 (HEVC and H.264) is only available with a subscription. - If you are having trouble viewing HEVC video with Windows broadcast software, you can install " HEVC Video Extensions ". NDI is a video over IP protocol developed by NewTek that delivers high-quality and low-latency video. NDI HX is the latest high efficiency version of NDI that is capable of delivering high-quality video in a smaller package than Full NDI. - When using broadcast software on Mac OS: Set Low Latency to "OFF" when using H.264, but HEVC can be used as is. [SRT (HEVC and H.264) ] SRT will usually have about 2-3 seconds of latency, however, it is possible to send high quality streams from outside the studio, even when using cellular data transfer options, like docomo, au, Softbank, or Rakuten. [RTMP] By entering the URL and stream key, the image can be directly streamed during live broadcasts on Youtube, etc. Bitrate can be set from 1 to 20 MB. Flip video horizontally when using front camera You can set whether the video is mirrored when using in-camera. Freme rate Select a frame rate. Bitrate Select a bit rate. A higher bit rate will generally lead to a better stream quality. Recommended bit rate for HEVC 4K: around 15M 1920×1080: around 9M 1280×720: around 6M 640×480: around 3M Recording When turned on, the NDI stream will be recorded. It is also possible to record the NDI stream by tapping the REC button from the Camera Menu. It will also be possible to adjust "Video Bitrate (2 to 20 MB)" according to the application.
Recording with overlays: When “ON” is selected, the camera will record with the Web CG in place, and when “OFF” is selected, the camera will record without the Web CG in place. The REC button displays “REC (Clean)”. Remote Control You can control LM-Cam with your browser on your PC or smartphone. Turn your stream and/or recording on and off; adjust the ISO, tint, temperature, focus, and aperture; switch between front and rear cameras; change lenses; and mute/unmute the mic. Recommended browsers: Chrome-based and Safari How to Use SRT TalkBack The function can be enabled by turning on Use Talkback via SRT. When using TalkBack, we recommend using "Wired earphones" or "Bluetooth earphones". Some earphones will use the Bluetooth microphone, so please select the video microphone from "Built in Microphone" or "Bluetooth Microphone" in the "Video" settings. If TalkBack is connected normally, the message "SRT-TalkBack ONLINE" will be displayed. Web CG When Web CG is turned on, HTML is displayed in layers and SCORE CG (to be provided soon) can be used. In addition, when “Recording with Overlays” is turned on in the Recording Settings, you can perform recording with Web CG included (Dirty), or without Web CG (Clean) when turned off. [Web CG Settings] URL: The URL of the CG to be posted can be set. Redraw Interval: Sets the time to reflect CG. Refresh Interval: Forces a refresh once in a set time to display the CG, in case the CG does not load properly. FAQ Q .HEVC video is not displayed by Windows broadcast software (OBS, vMix, Wirecast, etc.). A. You need to install " HEVC Video Extensions " to use it. Q. When using H.264 Low Latency=ON, I cannot use broadcast software on Mac OS. A .Please set Low Latency to "OFF" when using H.264, but you can still use HEVC.


LM-Cam can do 4K

Did you know that LM-Cam can do 4K? While it is possible to have multiple LM-Cam streaming at 4K, we recommend using just one 4K source to avoid video sync issues. You might also want to try zooming in on a 4K stream for higher quality footage.


LM-Cam with NDI Bridge

The NDI Bridge application packaged in the NDI 5 Tools pack can help you create a bridge between two different locations on the internet. Requirements: - Two computers on different networks with access to the internet (herein Network A and Network B) - NDI 5 Tools: NDI Bridge and NDI Studio Monitor - LM-Cam Before getting started, you will have to open a port in the firewall connected to Network A (the host). This how to will not cover how to open ports in firewalls (generally called Port Forwarding), since there are many different configurations. Try consulting the manual or contacting tech support for assistance with your firewall settings. NDI has also posted a useful guide that covers the basics Host (Network A) Create the NDI Bridge Host. You can change Groups and Bridge Names to whatever you require (Groups and Bridge Names can help you organize your NDI sources). The Public IP Address should be pre-filled with the global IP for Network A, but if it is not (or if it is incorrect), you can get it by using something like ipconfig in your Command Line or Terminal, or by doing a search for “What’s my ip.” Enter the number of the open port in your firewall for Port. You can create your own Encryption Key, or have the NDI Bridge software create one for you. Click the clipboard to copy the settings for easy sharing. You can also make changes to the Encoder Settings. This is how the bridge will handle the output (both from the internet and to the Join). Selecting “Do Not Transcode” from the Output setting will pass NDI feeds in the same format they arrive in. Join (Network B) You will need to provide values for Server IP Address, Server Port, and Encryption Key. These will be the values that were used during the Host setup for Network A (Public IP Address, Port, and Encryption Key). Adjust Encoder Settings as needed. NDI Bridge is bi-directional, so anything on Network B will be available in Network A and vice versus. Additionally, if the Host drops the connection for whatever reason, the Joins will attempt to re-connect automatically. Now start LM-Cam on your iPhone. The iPhone should be on Network B. Go into settings and adjust as necessary. Make note of the name of the NDI camera. Return to LM-Cam’s viewer screen and tap the red button to begin streaming. On a computer located in Network A, open NDI Studio Monitor and look for your camera. If you can find your camera in NDI Studio Monitor, you should also be able to find it in any streaming software that supports NDI inputs.


LM-Cam 基本機能 使い方ガイド

User Guide Engulish ver. 2024年11月29日 更新 <使用上のご注意> ・Wi-Fi環境でのご利用を推奨いたします。 ・スマートフォンのBluetoothはOFFにしてご利用されることを推奨いたします。
・最新iOSでのご利用を推奨しております。 [ よくある質問 ] 色温度 / 色合い設定 色温度(TEMP) / 色合い(TINT)を設定することで、よりきれいな映像を作り込むことができます。 撮影環境に応じて シンボル(記号) を選ぶことによって自動で映像を調整をすることが可能となります。(AWBを選択した場合は自動で調整となります。) ISO / FOCUS設定 画面をタップすることでカスタムモードとなり、FOCUS/ISOのアイコンを上下することで手動調整をすることができます。 絞り スライダーを上下に移動させることによって、カメラに取り込む光の量を調整することができます。 画面ロック 画面上にある鍵をタップすると画面全体がロックされ、誤ったタップのご動作を防ぐことができます。 ZOOM デジタルズーム設定方法 倍率ボタンを長押しすることで「デジタルズーム」の利用が可能となります。 調整完了後タップを離すと、「デジタルズーム」の設定が解除されます。 マイクOn/Off マイクマークをタップすることで、映像の音声をOFFにすることができます。 イン / アウトカメラ切替 インカメラとアウトカメラの切替を行うことができます。 ふた絵機能 LM-Camにふた絵をUPすることで、ブロードキャストソフトなどを利用することなく、ふた絵設定をすることが可能となります。トランジションはカットとフェードの2種類を使用できます。 ※ふた絵のUP数は最大で5枚となり、対応している画像はPNG、JPGとなります。推奨サイズ:1080 内部メニュー Preset 映像の設定(ISO、FOCUS、色温度、色合い、絞り)を保存することができます。 Display Grid:ONにするとグリッド線を表示させることができます。
Status:設定をディスプレイに表示できます。 White Balance:ディスプレイにホワイトバランスを表示できます。 Exposure:ディスプレイに絞りを表示できます。 Current Time:ディスプレイに時計を表示できます。 External Outputs 主にはHDMIに出力をすることができます。Clean Video Outputは映像、Audio Outputは音声を出力することができます。 Backgrounds クロマキー用にGreenバック、Blueバックへ。背景を見せたくない方向けにBlurが選択できます。Quality設定としてHigh、Lowの選択が可能です。 Camera name ブロードキャストソフト(OBS / vMix / Wirecastなど)に表示される名前を設定することができます。 Resolution 伝送する"画面サイズ"を選択することができます。 ※ 4Kを利用される場合、HEVCでのご利用を推奨しております。 Video encoding [Full NDI]、[HX2] →HX2はFull NDI(100M)と比べ、最大約1/10の伝送量で同画質の映像を送出することが可能です。HEVCの場合は10M設定でFull NDIと同等となります。 ※HX2(HEVC、H.264)は有料となります。 ※HEVCの映像がWindowsのブロードキャストソフトで表示されない :WindowsのブロードキャストソフトでHEVCの映像が正しく表示されない場合「 HEVC ビデオ拡張機能 」をインストールするとご利用可能となります。Macでは不要となります。 NDIは、NewTek社が開発した高品質・低遅延のIPビデオ伝送規格。NDI HXはNDIの最新の "High Efficiency"バージョンで、Full NDIよりも高品質・低帯域で伝送が可能。 ※Mac OSでブロードキャストソフトを利用する場合:H.264を利用する際 Low Latency を「OFF」にしてご利用ください。HEVCの場合そのままご利用いただけます。 [SRT(HEVC、H.264)] SRTは1〜2秒ほどの遅延がありますが、キャリア回線(docomo、au、Softbank、Rakutenなど)の場合でも、低帯域で高画質な伝送が可能なため中継など外部ネットワークでも利用することができます。
使用方法は こちら [RTMP] URLとストリームキーを入力することによって、Youtubeなどのライブ配信の際に直接配信可能となります。Bitrateは1〜20MBまで設定することができます。 Flip video horizontally when using front camera インカメラ時にミラーリングするか設定することが可能です。 Freme rate 伝送する"フレームレート"を選択することができます。 Bitrate 伝送する"ビットレート"を選択することができます。数値が高ければ高いほど高画質となります。 【HEVC推奨ビットレート】 4K:15M前後 1920 x 1080:9M前後 1280 x 720:6M前後 640 x 480:3M前後 Recording RECをONにすると配信中の映像をRECすることが可能となります。また、配信中に表示される画面のRECボタンを押すことでもRECをすることができます。 また、用途に応じて「Video Bitrate(2〜20MB)」の調整を行うことが可能となります。 ・Recording with overlays:ONにするとWeb CGを入れた状態でREC、OFFにするとWeb CGを入れない状態でRECが可能となります。その際RECボタンには「REC(Clean)」と表示されます。 Remote Control PC、スマートフォンのブラウザで、LM-Camを 遠隔で操作 することができます。 遠隔で操作できるのは、伝送ON/OFF、REC、ISO、LENS、TEMP、TINT、絞り、イン/アウトカメラ選択、音声ON/OFF、デジタルズーム、光学ズーム切り替えが可能です。 ブラウザコントロール推奨ブラウザ:Chrome、Safari -ご利用方法- SRT Talkback Use Talkback via SRTをONにしていただくと機能を有効にすることができます。 TalkBackご利用の際は、「有線イヤホン」、「Bluetoothイヤホン」でご利用いただくことをおすすめします。 イヤホンによってはBluetoothのマイクを利用してしまうので、映像マイクの選択は『Video』設定の「Built in Microphone」「Bluetooth Microphone」の2つから選択してください。 正常にTalkBackが繋がっている場合は、「SRT-TalkBack ONLINE」と表示されます。 Web CG Web CGをONにするとHTMLをレイヤー表示させ、SCORE CG(近日提供予定)を利用することができます。また、Recordingの設定にて"Recording with Overlays"をONにするとWeb CGを含めた状態(Dirty)でREC、OFFにするとWeb CGを含めない状態(Clean)でRECをすることができます。

[Web CG Settings] ・URL:掲載するCGのURLを設定することができます。 ・Redraw Interval:CGを反映する時間を設定できます ・Refresh Interval:うまくCGが読み込めない場合があるので設定時間に一回強制RefreshしCGを表示させます。」 [よくある質問] Q.HEVCの映像がWindowsのブロードキャストソフト(OBS、vMix、Wirecastなど)で表示されない A.「 HEVC ビデオ拡張機能 」をインストールするとご利用可能となります。Macでは不要となります。 Q.H.264 Low Latency=ON で使用するとMac OSでブロードキャストソフトが利用ができない A.H.264を利用する際 Low Latency を「OFF」にしてご利用ください。HEVCの場合そのままご利用いただけます。

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