LM-Cam with NDI Bridge
The NDI Bridge application packaged in the NDI 5 Tools pack can help you create a bridge between two different locations on the internet. Requirements: - Two computers on different networks with access to the internet (herein Network A and Network B) - NDI 5 Tools: NDI Bridge and NDI Studio Monitor - LM-Cam Before getting started, you will have to open a port in the firewall connected to Network A (the host). This how to will not cover how to open ports in firewalls (generally called Port Forwarding), since there are many different configurations. Try consulting the manual or contacting tech support for assistance with your firewall settings. NDI has also posted a useful guide that covers the basics https://ndi.tv/tools/education/bridge/port-forwarding/ Host (Network A) Create the NDI Bridge Host. You can change Groups and Bridge Names to whatever you require (Groups and Bridge Names can help you organize your NDI sources). The Public IP Address should be pre-filled with the global IP for Network A, but if it is not (or if it is incorrect), you can get it by using something like ipconfig in your Command Line or Terminal, or by doing a search for “What’s my ip.” Enter the number of the open port in your firewall for Port. You can create your own Encryption Key, or have the NDI Bridge software create one for you. Click the clipboard to copy the settings for easy sharing. You can also make changes to the Encoder Settings. This is how the bridge will handle the output (both from the internet and to the Join). Selecting “Do Not Transcode” from the Output setting will pass NDI feeds in the same format they arrive in. Join (Network B) You will need to provide values for Server IP Address, Server Port, and Encryption Key. These will be the values that were used during the Host setup for Network A (Public IP Address, Port, and Encryption Key). Adjust Encoder Settings as needed. NDI Bridge is bi-directional, so anything on Network B will be available in Network A and vice versus. Additionally, if the Host drops the connection for whatever reason, the Joins will attempt to re-connect automatically. Now start LM-Cam on your iPhone. The iPhone should be on Network B. Go into settings and adjust as necessary. Make note of the name of the NDI camera. Return to LM-Cam’s viewer screen and tap the red button to begin streaming. On a computer located in Network A, open NDI Studio Monitor and look for your camera. If you can find your camera in NDI Studio Monitor, you should also be able to find it in any streaming software that supports NDI inputs.

The NDI Bridge application packaged in the NDI 5 Tools pack can help you create a bridge between two different locations on the internet....